Virgin Atlantic leadership workshop led by author Steve Jacobs

Virgin Atlantic built on their successful “Business Is an Adventure series” with a workshop led by author Steve Jacobs an international organizational cultural change coach. He focused on key practices and tips that leaders of any size organization could use to close what he called, “the knowing-doing gap.”

Using behavioural science as his base, Jacobs provided tips on organizational improvements, ways individual leaders could shift behaviours in their teams to more successful ones and focus in on what matters.

The event led by Jacobs was smaller allowing for leaders to have their specific questions answered. Jacobs engaged the audience with an interactive polling media system. This feature allowed guests to provide their feedback to specific theories or questions, in real time. Jacobs was then able to focus on individual problems and offer possible solutions, which lead to healthy discussion and debate.

The session spurred buzz among managers such as Yajaira Archibald, Loop’s Content Manager for Barbados

and Carol Martindale, Managing Editor for the Nation Newspaper.

Reflecting on last Friday’s Virgin Atlantic sponsored session with organisational and behavourial expert Steve Jacobs. It was a time to Learn, Earn and Return. I also fully understood why I dislike the term “it’s good enough’? Why? Because Good enough usually isn”t! #businessisanadventure #MakeItEpic #fbf

– Carol Martindale

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